There are seven ugly realities of violent crime that you should know, especially if you haven't yet assumed an active role in your personal protection.
1. You probably Won't See The Attack Coming Before It Happens
Violent crime is an activity that carries an element of risk for the offender. As such, it is in his best interests and safety to wisely select his victims. Predators on the prowl are actively looking for persons who are not paying attention to their environment.
A distracted victim presents a great opportunity for the criminal to quickly approach while remaining undetected until the attack can start. It is not uncommon for victims to state the criminal appeared "out of nowhere." In truth, he was there the entire time waiting until the perfect time to strike.
2. You Can't Rely On A Good Samaritan To Come To Your Aid
It is not uncommon for violent crimes to be boldly committed in front of potential witnesses, even in broad daylight. Thus, it would be fool-hardy for a person to believe that he is immune from a violent criminal attack just because he is around a group of strangers who "could" intervene and assist him during his attack.
The state of Michigan does not have a "Good Samaritan" law on the books. It is perfectly legal for strangers to watch you get robbed, killed, raped, or carjacked without helping you.
In a story reported nationally a few years ago, a 93 year-old WWII veteran was violently assaulted in Detroit by a carjacker in broad daylight in front of several witnesses. The victim was violently struck 23 times to his head while his body was propped-up between two cars. Onlookers watched in horror while doing nothing to help.
3. Begging To Not Be Victimized Will Probably Not Work
A predator is unlikely to be deterred by any pleas from his victim. By the time the attack has started, the predator is already "amped up" for a conflict and unless he is forced to stop he will not do so until he has accomplished his objective. In fact, the strategy of merely pleading with the assailant may have the unintended consequence of making the situation worse. Attempting to reason with a predator is a form of resistance which may further agitate him and make his actions even more brutal.
4. Complying With The Demands Of The Attacker Does Not Guarantee Anything
There is no covenant or implied promise that if you do everything that a predator demands of you that he will not physically harm you. Despite the mantra of "Just do what they say" by pacifists, there are numerous documented incidents in which a victim quickly and quietly complied with an attacker and was still shot, killed, or both.
For example, earlier this year a Detroit man was targeted for a robbery of his groceries as he returned home from shopping. The victim quickly surrendered his three bags of food to his assailant but was still shot in his leg, as if was as a reflexive afterthought.
5. No One Will Care About Your Victimization As Much As You
After having survived a harrowing experience, it is not uncommon for many victims to feel dismissed. Understandably, some victims want to vent and to discuss their attack with other people who either accuse them of over-reacting or who insinuate that they had some level of culpability in the attack. After all, as the critics say, "It's not like you were killed or something. You need to move."
Some victims feel victimized all over again when trying to report the incident to the authorities. In one recent incident, a North Rosedale Park resident claimed in a published report that he allegedly had to threaten a 9-1-1 Operator with calling the Detroit Police Chief because he felt that his robbery merited a faster response. In a town like Detroit, a robbery without a murdered victim takes a back to more pressing issues.
6. A Continual Period Of Hyper-Awareness Can Be Unsettling
In the aftermath of a violent encounter, it is common for many victims to be in a consistent state of hyper-awareness where their senses are unusually heightened. It seems as though the slightest sound made or the smallest item just outside of their peripheral vision uncontrollably gains their full attention. This condition will eventually subside over time but until it does there will be a lot of distraction.
7. A Violent Attack Can Cause Victims To Question Their Vulnerability
For many crime victims, the aftermath of a violent crime can be an emotionally unsettling time. It is often a rude awakening for such persons to abruptly discover that they were both vulnerable to a violent attack and were blissfully unaware of the possibility. Violent crime always happens to someone else - until now.
A decision must now be made. Victims must now decide if they are going flee their current environment, do nothing differently, or assume a greater role in their safety. Merely moving from one community to another will not change anything except your address. A victim is not defined by his zip code.
Alternatively, making no changes at all merely guarantees that if a victim is around a predator who has motive, opportunity, and ability that he will be victimized again. The issue is not if he will be attacked again - but when.
Assuming a more active role in your personal protection is not difficult. However, it will require commitment, time, and resources. Peace of mind is priceless and is worth whatever it costs to make it happen.
If you are ready to draw a line in the sand and keep violent crime from your home, then you need to make the next step. That singular step is to enroll in a state of Michigan compliant Concealed Pistol License class.
The last class of the year will be held this Sunday, December 11th.
You have no good reason to wait. Do it now.
Register here now:
About The Author
Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Class training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit.
Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR and the UrbanShooterPodcast.
For more info about Detroit Michigan CPL Classes, please contact:
Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Contact: Rick Ector
Phone: 313.733.7404
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