In their previous mindsets, violent offenses and crimes only happen to other people - not to nice folk like themselves. As a person, who was robbed at gunpoint, I know all too well that it can happen to anybody. In fact, as a direct result of three recent high-profile robberies of well known people in the Detroit area I stress that it is not simply a matter of if they are going to be violently attacked but a matter of when it is going to happen. No one is immune from being attacked regardless of his fame, celebrity, or status.
In May, a well known recording artist and internationally renowned religious figure - Pastor Marvin Winans - was violently assaulted at a Detroit gas station in broad daylight. From a published account in the media, Winans was surrounded by three men who pulled him away from vehicle, was thrown to the ground, and was savagely beaten. Ultimately, the assailants stopped beating him and left the scene with his 2012 Infiniti QX56 SUV, a Rolex watch reportedly worth $15,000, and $200 in cash.
In May, it was also reported in the local media that a former Chief of the Detroit Police Department, Mr. Stanley Knox, was violently attacked at his home in broad daylight. Just before the attack, Mr. Knox, was reportedly mowing the front lawn of his residence when he was asked for directions by an unspecified number of assailants. They then produced a firearm, assaulted Mr. Knox, and left the scene with his gold necklace and bracelet.
Less than a couple of weeks ago, a sitting member of the Michigan House of Representatives - Rep. Jimmy Womack - was violently attacked. During the incident, which was reported in the local media, three predators observed Womack at a convenience store and targeted him for a carjacking. Despite having three men pointing firearms at him, Womack refused to surrender his car but was relieved of his cash - a reported $300.
In all of the above incidents, the victims were all well known celebrities who were violently attacked in the city of Detroit. By the grace of God, none of them suffered any permanent injuries. However, the moral of this post is abundantly clear - status and celebrity does not make you immune from being selected for victimization. If they can be crime victims, so too can you be.
When you are selected for a violent offense, your odds of survival will be greatly increased if you know before-hand how you will respond. Failing to plan, as a often told adage says, is planning to fail. Whatever you decide - passive victimization or armed response - is your option. Preferably, you will have made a decision either way before it eventually happens.
About The Author
Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Class training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit.
Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR and the UrbanShooterPodcast.
For more info about Detroit Michigan CPL Classes, please contact:
Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Contact: Rick Ector
Phone: 313.733.7404
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