
Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Michigan Open Carry Inc. Dinner Recap in Taylor Michigan - 12/27/2010

On December 27th, Michigan Open Carry Inc. sponsored a dinner at the Mykanos Greek Restaurant in Taylor, Michigan. When you consider the fact that the event was held two mere days after Christmas, the event was officially dubbed a success when 44 pistol- packing attendees showed up to eat.

One of the great things about event such as these, for me personally, is that I get to see some folks in the gun community that I don't see too often. I'm not going to name-drop, because there is always the chance of leaving somebody out of the list. But there is a great sense of comraderie that you only experience when you dine and fellowship with others who share the same vision as you.

I joked often on that night that it is really cool to hang out with "normal" people. Of course, we need to agree on a friendly definition as to what "normal" means. I open carry often but many "regular" folks in the general population do not for a variety of reasons: hate guns, ignorant of the law, apathy, and etc.

When my visible pistol is seen by some, I may get a few interesting reactions - nothing over the top but still interesting. At Open Carry dinners, I can show my hardware and know the everyone there understands why I open carry.

Michigan Open Carry Inc. is a gun rights advocacy organization that promotes the "open carry" of a firearm on your person. In Michigan, it is completely legal to display a registered pistol (in your name) in a holster without a special permit, as long as you do not venture into a state enumerated pistol-free zone.

One interesting feature of Michigan law is that persons with a Concealed Pistol License (CCW/CPL) can legally open carry in a pistol-free zone, as long the owner doesn't mind. The establishment where we dined didn't have a liquor license, so it was a non-issue for attendees who did not have a CPL.

The food was great - I love Greek food. The conversation was great. The event was a huge success. I look forward to next dinner that they promote.

If you can't view the included images, visit my blog: Legally Armed In Detroit.

I Am Such A Tool

Why was I chosen to exist under these circumstances?
I am wholly incapable of doing anything by myself.
In fact, I am only capable of doing just a few things well.
I do the bidding of all who ask me for I am gullible.

Anything I do worthy of note requires the direction of someone else.
If the result of my work is good, I don't get any of the credit.
If the result of my work is bad, I manage to get all the blame.

Without knowing anything about me, some people fear and hate me.
The mere sight of me engenders intolerance and ignorance.
Many actually think they can rid my kind from existence.
My travels are officially restricted but the desperate clear the way.

Those who actually know me, trust in me and all that I can do.
For they know I can only do so much and don't expect much else.
They understand me and accept me, along with my limitations.
In short, they know how to handle me in all situations.

I am such a tool.

Detroit Michigan CCW Classes Instructor Asks Citizens Not To Ring In New Year With Gunfire


Detroit, Michigan – Dec 30, 2010 – Rick Ector, a National Rifle Association (NRA) Credentialed Firearms Trainer based in Detroit Michigan, is calling upon fellow residents to not celebrate the new year with celebratory gunfire.

The city of Detroit is one a few US cities that has a historical holiday tradition whereby some of its residents shoot their firearms at the sky at the beginning of a new year. Despite the fact that it is viewed as a celebratory gesture, it is a dangerous custom, with another true purpose, that can ultimately lead to an unintentional maiming of killing of an innocent person.

According to Ector, the real purpose behind much of the shooting on New Year's Day is not to celebrate but is instead a cautionary signal to members of the nearby community that there are guns in that home wielded by people who are not afraid to use them.

Ector stated, "Crime in the city is pretty bad and many city residents are not encouraged by the perceived poor response time of the local police department. The gunfire is really a warning to the bad guys in the neighborhood."

Ector then explained why citizens should not shoot their handguns at the sky by adding, "We all know that what goes up must eventually come down. Sometimes, that means that either a person will be negligently shot or killed or that someone's property will be damaged."

Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Classes training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit. Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, UPI, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR and the UrbanShooterPodcast.

For more info about the practice of Detroit celebratory shootings and Detroit Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:

Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Phone: 313.733.7404

Don't Bring In The New Year With Gun-Fire Demonstrations

Detroit has "unique" traditions. One such tradition is the burning of cars (i.e. car-be-cues) and abandoned buildings on Angel's Night (AKA Devil's Night). However, recent governmental administrations have called upon the community to conduct citizen's patrols to help the police and fire department monitor the city. Recent efforts have been successful to keep the number of arsons down during this period.

However, another Detroit tradition continues unabated. Many people in this town feel the need to shoot their firearms at midnight. In fact, some idiots can't wait and start shooting at early as 11:00 p.m.

A casual observer to our town may think it is a celebratory gesture. Nothing could be further from the truth. The truly astute people here know that people engage in this reckless behavior for essentially one purpose: to let other folks in the hood know that this house has guns and that its residents are not afraid to use them.

Shooting a firearm while it is aimed at the sky is reckless. Simple physics dictates that what goes up (i.e. the bullet) must come down. The perpetrator of this self-less act is often deluded that his act is harmless. A bullet falling from the sky is traveling at 700 feet/second when it comes to rest. This velocity is more than enough to penetrate the skull of an adult.

Sometime during the night tonight and a throughout a period in the wee hours of the next morning, it will be literally be raining bullets in the city of Detroit. As a consequence of the hail of lead falling from the sky, many Detroiters are forced to bring in the New Year in their basements. Apartment dwellers will be forced to take their chances by only being able to lie on the floor of their units. You know how the saying goes, "bullets don't have any names on them."

Thus, I ask you - my fellow Detroiters - to end this practice of shooting guns in the sky at the dawn of a new year. This irresponsible act could needlessly end someone's life. If you don't own a gun, but know someone who does and has plans to shoot it in the sky take a moment to talk him out of it.

Monday, December 27, 2010

First Detroit Michigan CCW CPL Class of 2011: Sat. Jan. 15, 2011

We are pleased to announce another CCW/CPL Class of this year! So, if you have a desire to qualify for a Concealed Pistol License, so that you can feel safe, register for our next class.

Southfield Hampton Inn
27500 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, Michigan 48034

Option I

Pay Tuition 7 Days in Advance ($150) and Save $25!
(Total Cost: $150 + Range Expenses)

Option II

Pay Tuition ($175) within 7 days before class.
(Total Cost: $175 + Range Expenses)

Register at our site: Click here!

Range expenses will be incurred at the range to handle gun rental, range time, ammunition costs, and a fee for a target. The estimated fee is $35.

Our class starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp!

More info on Detroit Michigan CCW Class is available at our web site.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Hey everyone, I wanted to send out a warm Happy Holidays to everyone on this wonderful Christmas Day. I hope this day finds you spending time with family and reflecting on a great 2010.

I would like to thank everyone single subscriber on my list and reader of this blog for believing in me and following me in 2010. I am looking forward to having a very safe 2011 and hope to see each and every one of you on this list at one of my events this year!!!

Enjoy your day today--- REFLECT-- ENJOY THE FAMILY!!!

To Your Success and Safety in 2011,


Detroit Michigan CCW Classes Instructor To Appear At Michigan Open Carry Dinner


Detroit, MI - December 25, 2010 -- Detroit Michigan CCW Classes Instructor to appear at a gun rights dinner.

Rick Ector, a National Rifle Associated (NRA) Credentialed Firearms Trainer based in Detroit Michigan, has accepted an invitation to make an appearance at a gun rights dinner in Taylor, Michigan.

On Monday, December 27th, Michigan Open Carry Inc. - a gun rights organization - will be sponsoring an "Open Carry" dinner at the Mykonos Greek and American Restaurant at 7:00pm. All attendees and participants are encouraged to open carry a holstered handgun.

According to Ector, "It is legal in the state of Michigan for a person to visibly display his registered handgun in a holster without a license, as long as he is not in a vehicle or is in a designated 'Pistol-Free' zone."

Ector, a gun rights activist, is encouraging people, who have an interest in learning more about the legality of openly carrying a handgun, to attend the dinner. There will be informational pamphlets available to educate the public. In addition, there will be several open carry practictioners available for consultation.

Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Classes training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit. Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR and the UrbanShooterPodcast.

For more info about the open carry dinner and Detroit Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:

Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Phone: 313.733.7404

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Last Detroit Michigan CCW Class of 2010: Sunday, December 26th

We are pleased to announce another CCW/CPL Class of this year! So, if you have a desire to qualify for a Concealed Pistol License, so that you can feel safe, register for our next class.

Southfield Hampton Inn
27500 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, Michigan 48034

Option I

Pay Tuition 7 Days in Advance ($150) and Save $25!
(Total Cost: $150 + Range Expenses)

Option II

Pay Tuition ($175) within 7 days before class.
(Total Cost: $175 + Range Expenses)

Register at our site: Click here!

Range expenses will be incurred at the range to handle gun rental, range time, ammunition costs, and a fee for a target. The estimated fee is $35.

Our class starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp!

More info on Detroit Michigan CCW Class is available at our web site.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Detroit Michigan CCW Classes Instructor Calls For Transparency In Police Gun Buy-Backs


Detroit, MI - December 19, 2010 -- Detroit Michigan CCW Classes Instructor Calls For Transparency In Police Gun Buy-Backs.

Rick Ector, a National Rifle Associated (NRA) Credentialed Firearms Trainer based in Detroit Michigan, has publicly challenged the Detroit Police Department (DPD) to demonstrate transparency in its controversial firearm buyback program.

Since September, the DPD has bought an estimated 1,100 guns from the general public at buy-back events on a "no questions asked basis" and according to Ector has failed to deliver a consistent message to the public what it does with the guns.

According to Ector, "There is a high chance that some of the firearms that the police bought were stolen. In those cases, the police have an affirmative duty to return those firearms to their rightful owners. At a recent Police Commissioners Meeting, the police stated that they make an attempt to return them, however, on the very next day the Police Chief announces in the media that every purchased firearm will be destroyed."

Ector feels that in the interest of transparency and preserving the public trust, the DPD should publish identifying info on the Internet for every gun it purchases at buy-backs and establish criteria for the lawful owners to have their property returned to them.

Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Classes training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit. Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR and the UrbanShooterPodcast.

For more info about needed reforms in DPD's Firearm Buy-Back Program and Detroit Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:

Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Phone: 313.733.7404


Saturday, December 18, 2010

What Should DPD Do With The Guns That It Buys From Citizens?

Two days ago, the Detroit Police Department (DPD) bought 300 firearms from area residents on a "no questions asked basis" in a crime-fighting effort they claim will reduce violent crime. While the underlying premise of DPD's gun buying event has been at best deemed as questionable by knowledgeable authorities such as the US Federal Government, the focus of this post is to examine what DPD should do with the firearms now that they have them in their possession.

Since DPD bought the firearms without asking any questions of the sellers, it is reasonable to assume that some of them were stolen from their lawful owners. Thus, in at least my humble opinion, DPD has an absolute duty to return those firearms, that were stolen, to their owners. In the case of recovered handguns, which by law must be registered, it should be a relatively simple task to perform.

However, despite what many reasonable people would expect DPD to do with the recovered firearms - return them to their legal owners, DPD has publicly stated contrary intentions with respect to the guns. Through published media accounts after their gun buying event this past September and in the aftermath of the gun buy-back two days ago, DPD has stated that every firearm turned in to them would be destroyed.

On the date of the last DPD gun buying event, December 16th, I attended the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners (BOPC) meeting at DPD Headquarters to get a clarification of their official policy on the disposition of firearms that they buy from citizens.

When the BOPC meeting reached the point where they allow public comments, I approached the podium and proceeded to explain to the BOPC that DPD's approach to recovered firearms should be the same as recovered automobiles; an attempt should be made to find the owner. A DPD officer was then summoned to the podium to clarify DPD's policy. She stated to the BOPC that there is an attempt by DPD to contact the owners of the recovered firearms.

The very next day, published media accounts appeared that featured quotes by DPD Chief Ralph Godbee in which he was quoted as saying, "every gun turned in will be destroyed and is one less gun that could potentially be stolen if there is a home invasion." Thus, there is a contradiction between what the DPD Chief said publicly in the media and what his staff had reported the previous day to BOPC.

There is an apparent need for transparency in this process. There is not a clear and consistent message being delivered by DPD on this matter. As such, I propose that DPD publicly publishes identifying information for every firearm that it buys from the public: firearm type, manufacturer, model number, and serial number.

That identifying information should be publicly displayed on the Internet, within a determined period of time after a gun buying event for specified duration. In addition, information that details how owners can retrieve their property should also be published. Further, DPD's policy on seizing and destroying any unclaimed property, after a specified period of time, should also be disclosed.

Transparency in government is good and it removes any misunderstandings that may arise due to an inconsistent message being delivered by different individuals within the DPD organization.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Another Great DPD Dog-And-Pony Show: Gun Buy-Back Scam Returns

Yesterday there was another gun "buy-back" conducted in the city of Detroit under the auspices of the local police department. Predictably, today's news brings word via the local newspapers that badged chest-beating is occuring in the aftermath, just not as vociferously as was the case in September of this same year.

In September, at the last Detroit Police Department (DPD) sponsored "buy-back," it was reported that 800 firearms were sold to the police. At that time, folks were lined-up from the hosting church's front door - down the paved sidewalk - all the way to the chain-linked fence that defines the parking lot's border. In sharp contrast, only 300 firearms were available to be bought by the police yesterday - 38% of the amount bought by police in September.

In yesterday's Fox 2 News story on TV, DPD Chief Ralph Godbee was quoted as stating the following, "Those guns will not be used to perpetrate armed robberies, and those guns will not be picked up by a young person by accident and we have another tragedy with a child killing themselves accidentally."

It appears that DPD is trying to spin yesterday's firearms-buying-operation into a home safety issue, despite previously trying to fill the public's conscious minds with rhetoric that suggested that DPD was "taking guns off the street."

In truth, the guns that DPD bought on a no-questions-asked basis were to a great extent old pieces of junk that posed a threat no one "on the street." The dirty little secret that DPD doesn't want the general public to know is that criminals do not sell their working firearms to the police for $50.

As to the question of firearms posing a threat to children, the police are once again preying upon the ignorance of the general public. Nobody will disagree that firearms should be kept away from small children. Responsible firearms owners will ensure that.

The facts, which seem to escape the police when bleating about their gun buying activities, is that accidental firearms deaths have steadily decreased every year over the last 20 years and currently are dwarfed by all other forms of accidental deaths - even when combined. DPD has no shame. They are lying to you by omission.

However, the most misleading aspect of DPD's gun buying scam is that they do not work. Even DPD knows this; you just don't know it and DPD hopes that you don't find out. I had an opportunity to meet and observe the DPD Chief at a Board of Police Commissioners Meeting in the Southwest District two weeks ago.

On that night, he proved to me that he has a fine handle on Detroit crime statistics, by type of crime, and can tell you on a percentage basis where the numbers are now and how they rate with the numbers corresponding to the prior year. Thus, it should come as a surprise to you when the police tell you that their gun buying operation is working but they can't prove it, especially with statistics.

At yesterday's Board of Police Commissioners at DPD Headquarters, a Deputy Chief was asked if he could share by how much violent crime had dropped in Detroit since the last DPD gun-buying-operation in September. He stated that the results are, "difficult to quantify." That's police-talk. Translated, it means that gun buy-backs have no effect on crime.

If the general public knew that gun buybacks didn't work, they would demand that the police do something about the outrageous and heinous crimes that we witness in the local papers everyday. For now, Detroiters can watch a televised newscast showing a couple tables of junk guns and listen to DPD Chief brag about the great work he's doing about getting guns off the street.

DPD is running a scam. You deserve better.

Last Detroit Michigan CCW Class of 2010: Sunday, December 26th

We are pleased to announce another CCW/CPL Class of this year! So, if you have a desire to qualify for a Concealed Pistol License, so that you can feel safe, register for our next class.

Southfield Hampton Inn
27500 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, Michigan 48034

Option I

Pay Tuition 7 Days in Advance ($150) and Save $25!
(Total Cost: $150 + Range Expenses)

Option II

Pay Tuition ($175) within 7 days before class.
(Total Cost: $175 + Range Expenses)

Register at our site: Click here!

Range expenses will be incurred at the range to handle gun rental, range time, ammunition costs, and a fee for a target. The estimated fee is $35.

Our class starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp!

More info on Detroit Michigan CCW Class is available at our web site.

Last Media Appearance: Fox News Detroit - Dec. 16, 2010

Yesterday, I was featured in a news report by Fox News Detroit. Check out the video below and let me know your thoughts.

If you can't see the video, access it at this link.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Detroit Michigan CCW Classes Instructor To Sway Participants at Police Gun Buy-Back Event


Detroit, Michigan – Dec 15, 2010 – Rick Ector, a National Rifle Association (NRA) Credentialed Firearms Trainer based in Detroit Michigan, will attend a city of Detroit sponsored gun buy-back event to educate participants who may have been misled by the police about the effectiveness of these events.

Ector, along with a few fellow metro-Detroit gun rights activists will be passing out literature that explains to city residents that gun "buy-backs" have no measurable effect on crime rates. Further, if they truly desire to no longer own the firearms, they will be provided information on how to sell their guns to dealers who will make them a significantly better offer than the amount that the city of Detroit wants to pay.

The gun "buy-back," sponsored by the Detroit Police Department will be held on Thursday, December 15th at 9:00am at Second Ebeneezer Church in Detroit. Participants will be offered $25 for inoperable handguns and $50 for pistols that work, on a no-questions asked basis. Furthermore, the police department in the past has pledged to have the firearms destroyed without verifying the possessor's ownership and attempting to return them, when possible, to the rightful owner.

Ector, when asked for his thoughts about the effectiveness of gun buy-back events, quoted a finding from a 1999 US House of Representatives Oversight Hearing on the COPS (Community Oriented Policing Services) Program, "Several scientific studies have shown that gun buybacks do not work. It is a sellout to doing what works to make news, not public safety."

Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Class training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit. Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR and the UrbanShooterPodcast.

For more info about the non-effectiveness of gun "buy-backs" and Detroit Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:

Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Phone: 313.733.7404

Video From "Cam & Company" Appearance - Dec. 13th, 2010

Here's the video from my last appearance on the "Cam & Co. Show" on this past Monday, December 13, 2010:

If you don't see the video above, check it out on Youtube.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Gun Buy-Back Fantasies Of Detroit Police Department (DPD) Chief Ralph Godbee

The Detroit Police Department (DPD) has announced that they will be conducting yet another gun "buy-back" event this week at a local church. As such, the police will be paying people as little as $25 for any unwanted firearms - regardless of how much they are actually worth - that are turned in to them without asking any questions such as who legally owns the guns, how the person turning the guns over to police actually acquired possession of them, and whether the guns were recently used in a crime.

The police, if they follow policies done at previous "buy-backs," will not attempt to identify the firearm's lawful owner where possible, despite the fact that every registered handgun has the last legal buyer's personal information in the Law Enforcement Information Network (LEIN) Database.

Instead of returning the stolen property, the Detroit Police Department will have the firearms destroyed. Apparently, firearms upon their theft from their rightful owners become "evil" and can't be rehabilitated. So, the firearms will have their due process rights trampled upon and be sentenced to death. The demonic spirits will be summarily exorcised by sending the guns to Lansing for eventual destruction.

This "gun-grab" event has been endorsed by current DPD Chief Ralph Godbee who, at last week's Board of Police Commissioners Meeting in southwest Detroit, informed me of several unspecified studies which concluded that criminals get their guns from robberies of homes.

Thus, Godbee's strategy of disarming criminals who rob, rape, and murder in Detroit is based upon disarming the households of law-abiding Detroit citizens. If all the homes in Detroit do not have guns in them, then the criminals who operate in Detroit won't have any guns. If you follow this fantasy far enough, you will reach the ridiculous conclusion that violent crime in Detroit would plummet simply because violent predators would now be helplessly and permanently disarmed.

I have not heard of such a stunning departure from logic since his predecessor - Warren Evans - astonished citizens of Detroit with his justification for towing and impounding cars which were being driven with invalid Driver's Licenses.

Evans had looked over the results of his department's statistical crime-fighting numbers and reached the conclusion that 30% of the drive-by shootings in Detroit were done by people without a valid license. One the very first day of the program, a drive-by shooting was published in the local newspaper. Even Stevie Wonder could have seen that initiative's impending failure looming on the horizon.

Furthermore, in the same conversation Godbee incredulously proclaimed that he was pro-gun. In my humble opinion, conducting gun buy-back events is not exactly the type of thing that a pro-gun person does. A pro-gun person, in my view, trusts law-abiding citizens with firearms.

Political ideology aside, the true merit of an activity should be based on the results. I have heard the word "insanity" defined as doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result. And so it goes with these gun "buy-backs," as they have never worked anywhere, will not work in Detroit, and will never work anywhere else.

If the incredulous "buy-back" beliefs and fantasies of Godbee were true, he could prove to us how successful his last gun buy-back event was a few months ago. He won't simply because he can't. This event is merely a "dog-and-pony" show where DPD can say they are doing something, even if noted authorities such as the US Federal Government acknowledges that gun "buy-backs" don't work.

On October 28, 1999, United States House of Representatives conducted a Oversight Hearing on the COPS (Community Oriented Policing Services) Program. In this study, the federal government itself stated "Several scientific studies have shown that gun buybacks do not work. It is a sellout to doing what works to make news, not public safety."

DPD Chief Ralph Godbee is either misinformed about the effectiveness of gun buy-backs or he's lying to us.

Absolutely Last Detroit Michigan CCW Classes: Sunday, December 26, 2010

We are pleased to announce another CCW/CPL Class of this year! So, if you have a desire to qualify for a Concealed Pistol License, so that you can feel safe, register for our next class.

Southfield Hampton Inn
27500 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, Michigan 48034

Option I

Pay Tuition 7 Days in Advance ($150) and Save $25!
(Total Cost: $150 + Range Expenses)

Option II

Pay Tuition ($175) within 7 days before class.
(Total Cost: $175 + Range Expenses)

Register at our site: Click here!

Range expenses will be incurred at the range to handle gun rental, range time, ammunition costs, and a fee for a target. The estimated fee is $35.

Our class starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp!

More info on Detroit Michigan CCW Class is available at our web site.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Detroit Michigan CCW Classes Instructor Makes 7th Appearance on "Cam & Co." Tonight


Detroit, Michigan – Dec 02, 2010 – Rick Ector, a National Rifle Association (NRA) Credentialed Firearms Trainer based in Detroit Michigan, will be a featured guest tonight on the "Cam & Company Show." Tonight's appearance will be Ector's seventh overall and sixth of this year. Ector usually appears as a guest correspondent whenever there is a story about Detroit that is of national interest.

Tonight's broadcast of the show begins at 9:00pm EST on Sirius Satellite's XM Patriot Channel. Ector's feature will start at 11:20pm EST. Also, the show can be watch in high definition (HD) over the Internet at web address at the same time.

Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Class training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit. Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR and the UrbanShooterPodcast.

For more info about free shooting lessons for women and Detroit Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:

Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Phone: 313.733.7404

# # # Steals Intellectual Property From Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit

They say that imitation is a form of flattery. Maybe so, but when you copy and paste an entire article from a web site - mine - and then post it on your web site and pretend like you wrote it, I call that theft of intellectual property.

I'm pretty pissed off at Mr. Milad Fadlallah of SafeHouseOps. He stole articles I wrote and is passing it off as his own. I called him on the phone and "chewed him a new one." He said that he doesn't know anything about computers but would get a hold of his web guy and remove it.

My opinion: You don't need to know anything about computers to write your own damn articles. If you can't write about what you know - firearm safety - then just maybe shouldn't be teaching it.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Detroit Michigan CCW Classes Instructor Launches New CPL Amnesty Program


Detroit, MI - December 8, 2010 -- Detroit Michigan CCW Classes Instructor Launches New CPL Amnesty Program.

Rick Ector, a National Rifle Associated (NRA) Credentialed Firearms Trainer based in Detroit Michigan, has launched a new Concealed Pistol License (CPL) Amnesty program. This program is designed to bridge gaps in Michigan firearms and self-defense law knowledge for persons who unwittingly took a deficient class while applying for a CPL.

According to Ector, there are a small but active number of unscrupulous firearms training services shortchanging their students. Ector stated, "It is of no practical value to have a valid CPL, if you do not know Michigan laws on lethal force and self-defense."

The problem is created by Firearms Trainers who elect not to contract out the legal modules to an attorney. Ector added, "These guys would rather save a couple hundred bucks per class, even if it makes the community less safe and jeopardizes the freedom of their students."

Persons with a valid CPL, but have a need to learn state of Michigan law, are advised to contact Rick Ector to inquire about their new CPL Amnesty Program.

Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Classes training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit. Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR and the UrbanShooterPodcast.

For more info about the new CPL Amnesty Program and Detroit Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:

Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Phone: 313.733.7404


Last Detroit Michigan CCW Class of 2010: Sunday, December 12th

We are pleased to announce another CCW/CPL Class of this year! So, if you have a desire to qualify for a Concealed Pistol License, so that you can feel safe, register for our next class.

Southfield Hampton Inn
27500 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, Michigan 48034

Option I

Pay Tuition 7 Days in Advance ($150) and Save $25!
(Total Cost: $150 + Range Expenses)

Option II

Pay Tuition ($175) within 7 days before class.
(Total Cost: $175 + Range Expenses)

Register at our site: Click here!

Range expenses will be incurred at the range to handle gun rental, range time, ammunition costs, and a fee for a target. The estimated fee is $35.

Our class starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp!

More info on Detroit Michigan CCW Class is available at our web site.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Whose Job Is It To Keep metro-Detroit Citizens Safe From Violent Crime?

It has only been mere days, since the cold-blooded and senseless murder of Mr. Brian Stuckey - a 29 year-old father of four young boys - at the Detroit BP Gas Station at the intersection of Seven Mile Road and Rutherford Street.

Unless you are a hermit who lives in a cave, you already know that in the early morning hours of this past Wednesday Mr. Stuckey was targeted for an apparent robbery attempt by two predators. When the crime was "all said and done" Mr. Stuckey was shot in the heart by a shotgun blast wielded by one of the firearms toting bad guys, who realized a booty of nothing more than a wallet and a leather motorcycle club jacket.

The two killers are still at-large and as a consequence area residents of the city are on edge and the predictable "blame game" has started in earnest. A litany of persons are being blamed for Mr. Stuckey's murder.

Let's now enumerate and evaluate who "some" folks are blaming for this tragedy.

Shall We Blame The Victim?

To begin, many citizens are only too eager to blame the slain victim - Mr. Brian Stuckey. After all, many of these "victim-blamers" coldly reason publicly in barbershops all across the city or on their Facebook personal pages, "Who in their right mind goes to a gas station in Detroit at 3:00am?"

The real fact of the matter is that there is nothing wrong with going to a gas station at any time of the day - early morning or late in the day. I will however concede that if the victim had waited until daylight to fuel up his vehicle, he stood a statistically less chance of not being an apparent robbery victim. In truth, most robberies happen after darkfall. At this time of the year, robberies predictably rise as a consequence of more darkness for predators to use as cover for their crimes.

However, let's not delude ourselves into believing that violent crime does not happen in Detroit during broad daylight. It does happen, has always happened, and will continue to happen during the day. Citizens concerned with personal protection must be vigilant at all hours of the day.

Additionally, I have heard some people suggest that the victim's wearing of a motorcycle club jacket should've afforded him some enhanced level of protection from harm. In fact, last night while I was in attendance at the prayer vigil, at the same BP Gas Station where the crime originally occurred, I had several conversations with folks inside and outside the local biker community who shared that sentiment.

Lots of things were both said publicly at the microphone and in side conversations that expressed the surprise, shock, sadness, sorrow, and anger of this young man being killed. I won't repeat much of what was said last night but more than one person intimated to me that the Stuckey's murder was the first known occurrence of a biker being killed in Michigan.

Personally, even as an outsider to the biker family, I felt saddened by this incident. However, I am not deluded about the type of predators who coldly stalk our city's streets looking for someone to victimize via a robbery, rape, or a murder. They do not respect customs, symbols, authority, or rule of law. When they are working, anybody is "fair game."

Shall We Blame The Gas Station?

Surprisingly to me, there is a large number of folks who are trying to lay the blame of this tragedy at the feet of the gas station: the owner, the clerk on duty, or both.

The clerk, if you listen to some blame-game players, was at fault for not calling 9-1-1 faster than he did. It has been reported that he did not call-in the crime until after the victim was shot dead and lying on the pavement. Some people believe that the clerk should have called for the authorities as soon the victim-to-be was led into the building at gun-point.

A different take on the clerk's actions or inaction - depending on your view - can explain or offer insight on what transpired. Despite the fact that the clerk was behind thick plastic, no one really knows with any certainty if that barrier is indeed bullet-proof.

Moreover, if the plastic wall is truly a barrier for bullets could it stop the assault of a shotgun blast? If we don't know the definitive answer to that question, then we must admit that the clerk's life was also in danger that morning. So, if you believe now that it is possible the clerk's life could have also been in danger that night then you could not possibly blame him for the death of Mr. Stuckey.

From the clerk's vantage-point, there were no clear hints or clues that the armed predators were going to actually murder Mr. Stuckey even though he was being robbed at gun-point. One lesson to be learned here is that any time a firearm is pointed at a person, his life is in jeopardy even if he fully complies with every unreasonable demand given to him by his captors. Sometimes, victims get shot and killed for no good reason at all.

Let's now play a new game - Devil's Advocate. Let's pretend that the clerk was 100 percent safe behind the bullet-proof glass and that he did immediately call 9-1-1. It is entirely possible that the clerk would have gotten put on hold by the emergency phone operator. Severe cuts to 9-1-1 phone operations leave many area residents listening to a recording instead of immediately having the opportunity to report a crime.

Furthermore, let's now discuss the Detroit Police Department's (DPD) officially published response time to high priority reported offenses - it is abysmal. It was last published as being 28 minutes for high priority reported crimes in progress. That's a life-time. If you find yourself in trouble, you need to find a way to stay alive for 28 minutes - on average.

Now let's add into evidence the facts that the clerk, who was on duty at the gas station that day, was the only employee working and was on his very first day on the job. Subsequent media interviews at the gas station have revealed that the clerk was obviously so shaken up about the incident that he quit.

Not many people, after hearing all of the facts, could blame the clerk. So, the next obvious scapegoat is the person who owns or manages the gas station. "How dare the owner of the gas station not train his employees how to keep their customers safe?"

Let us be abundantly clear - it is not a gas station attendant's or anyone else's job to keep customers safe from violent crime. In this case, the clerk's job is to sell gasoline, lottery tickets, and weed papers to the eager clamor of eager shoppers who frequent that gas station.

I've heard every possible red herring ever deployed in the name of empty rhetoric to explain how Mr. Stuckey's death is somehow the end result of hostile gas station owners consumed with sucking every known dollar out of the black community without regard to the community. It sounds more like black racists using an excuse to defame the only folks willing to do business in the black community.

Do You Really Want To Know Who Is Responsible For Mr. Stuckey's Death?

The answer is so easy that the people, who are most consumed with hearing themselves talk without regard for their conversation's content, miss it. The two predators who stalked, robbed, and shot Mr. Stuckey are responsible for his death. That's it.

The responsibility of any specific person to not be a crime victim rests with that person. It is his job. If a person is not ready or prepared to defend himself, he will be a victim when a predator arrives. You can cooperate, reason, plead, and beg for your life but at the end of the ordeal your captor may just shoot you just because he felt like it - no good reason at all.

The questions before us now are many. Only time will reveal the answers: Is someone going to turn the thugs in to the authorities? Will the killers be stalked and hunted down in the streets via vigilante vendetta? Who else will die needlessly and senselessly in the streets of Detroit? Will the community come together and stop protecting dangerous criminals in our neighborhoods? Will folks exercise more responsibility for their safety?

What are you going to do?

Friday, December 3, 2010

Two Detroit Gas Station Robberies - Two Different Outcomes

Within the last month or so, there have been two highly publicized armed robbery attempts at gas stations within the city limits of Detroit. As I inform students in my Michigan Concealed Pistol License (CPL) Class, gas stations are among the most dangerous places to be located. We live in a mobile community, so it is a necessary albeit dangerous task that we must perform on a consistent basis. Many are unaware of the dangers that lurk in that environment.

Many gas stations in Detroit are dimly lit, offer robbers easy access to a continuous procession of potential victims, and are typically ran by employees who do little to discourage loitering - sometimes by violent predators - on the premises. Although there were some similarities in both robbery attempt cases, the eventual outcome couldn't have been more different.

On Wednesday, December 1rst of this year, a 30 year-old Detroit man was shot to death in an apparent robbery attempt at a BP Gas Station at the intersection of 7 Mile Road and Rutherford Street. Retrieved video of the incident, which occurred in the early morning hours of the day, showed that two armed assailants "laid in wait" for the victim to exit the building before they forced him down to the ground at gun-point and searched every inch of his body for anything of value.

Initial accounts of the story, broadcast on local media outlets, suggested that the victim had initially refused to surrender his car keys upon request by the jackers. Updates to the story, as released by the media, informed the local community that the victim under the stress of having his life in jeopardy could not find his keys fast enough for his murderers.

He was shepherded back into the gas station building with his hands clasped behind his neck - while both a handgun and a shotgun were aimed at him - in an effort to find his errant keys. In the interim, he begged and pleaded with his assailants not to harm him, as he was a father of small children. In the end, the jackers stole the victim's wallet, took his leather motorcycle club vest which they can't wear on the street, and took his life by literally shooting him in the heart. The car, the intended object, was left at the scene. This man died for nothing.

On the evening of October 19th of 2010, a 37 year-old man at a Detroit gas station located near the intersection of Fenkell Avenue and Schaefer was selected for victimization via a reported carjacking attempt. The victim was reportedly pumping gasoline into his vehicle in the early evening hours of the day when he was approached by a gunman who demanded the keys to his vehicle.

At the time of the incident, a small child was reported to be in the back seat of the vehicle. An ensuing gun battle ensued in which more than 20 total rounds of ammunition were discharged. The victim was struck several times: under his eye, in an arm, and in a leg. The assailant was also struck several times but perished in the fire-fight. The victim had a state of Michigan Concealed Pistol License and was legally armed.

Michigan law authorizes the usage of lethal force to defend oneself or the safety of another "third person," as long as the person is somewhere he has a legal right to be, is not engaged in a crime, and has a reasonable and honest belief that he or some other "third person" is in imminent jeopardy of severe bodily harm, sexual assault, or death.

In the case of the second gas station shooting, an argument for the justified usage of deadly force can be easily made for either the victim's safety or the "third person" who in this case was the small child in the vehicle.

The second case also has some lessons for those who are concerned with personal protection. For starters, guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens can save lives. In this scenario, the life of the victim and the life of the child were saved. Furthermore, another moral of the story is that there are no guarantees when fighting for your life. The victim in this story could have died. He was, however, injured via multiple gunshot wounds, but is expected to make a full recovery.

There are no official rules of engagement during a violent attack on the mean streets of metro-Detroit. One can not expect to not be harmed, even if he fully complies with the demands of a predator. As illustrated in the case of the first gas station shooting, you can beg and plead for your life and still be cut down and left for dead while the video camera tape rolls. As for me, if I am ever presented with unsolicited violence from a predator, I will take my chances fighting for my life. I prefer, if necessary, to die fighting on my feet than to rely on the charity of predator while on my knees.

I've made my decision to not be a victim. What decision have you made? To not make the choice to defend your life is to choose victimization, by default.

Last Detroit Michigan CCW Class of 2010: Sunday, December 12th

We are pleased to announce another CCW/CPL Class of this year! So, if you have a desire to qualify for a Concealed Pistol License, so that you can feel safe, register for our next class.

Southfield Hampton Inn
27500 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, Michigan 48034

Option I

Pay Tuition 7 Days in Advance ($150) and Save $25!
(Total Cost: $150 + Range Expenses)

Option II

Pay Tuition ($175) within 7 days before class.
(Total Cost: $175 + Range Expenses)

Register at our site: Click here!

Range expenses will be incurred at the range to handle gun rental, range time, ammunition costs, and a fee for a target. The estimated fee is $35.

Our class starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp!

More info on Detroit Michigan CCW Class is available at our web site.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Detroit Michigan CCW Class Instructor To Appear On NRA Talk Show Tonight


Detroit, MI - December 2, 2010 -- Detroit Michigan CCW Class Instructor will make an appearance on an NRA talk show tonight.

Rick Ector, a National Rifle Associated (NRA) Credentialed Firearms Trainer based in Detroit Michigan, will be a featured guest tonight on the "Cam & Company Show." Tonight's appearance will be Ector's sixth of this year. Ector is the show's guest correspondent whenever there is a report of a legally armed citizen in Detroit who has successfully defending his life against an unprovoked attack from an assailant.

Tonight's broadcast of the show begins at 9:00pm EST on Sirius Satellite's XM Patriot Channel. Ector's feature will start at 11:00pm EST. Also, the show can be watch in high definition (HD) over the Internet at web address at the same time.

Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Class training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit. Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR and the UrbanShooterPodcast.

For more info about free shooting lessons for women and Detroit Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:

Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Phone: 313.733.7404
