
Monday, December 13, 2010 Steals Intellectual Property From Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit

They say that imitation is a form of flattery. Maybe so, but when you copy and paste an entire article from a web site - mine - and then post it on your web site and pretend like you wrote it, I call that theft of intellectual property.

I'm pretty pissed off at Mr. Milad Fadlallah of SafeHouseOps. He stole articles I wrote and is passing it off as his own. I called him on the phone and "chewed him a new one." He said that he doesn't know anything about computers but would get a hold of his web guy and remove it.

My opinion: You don't need to know anything about computers to write your own damn articles. If you can't write about what you know - firearm safety - then just maybe shouldn't be teaching it.

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