If you can't see the image, visit our Detroit Michigan CCW Class blog site.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Name That Firearm Safety Violation: Cleavon Little
If you can't see the image, visit our Detroit Michigan CCW Class blog site.
Name That Firearm Safety Violation: Adam West
If you can't see the image, visit our Detroit Michigan CCW Class blog site.
Next Detroit Michigan CCW CPL Class: Saturday, April 16, 2011
Southfield Hampton Inn
27500 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, Michigan 48034
Option I
Pay Tuition 7 Days in Advance ($150) and Save $25!
(Total Cost: $150 + Range Expenses)
Option II
Pay Tuition ($175) within 7 days before class.
(Total Cost: $175 + Range Expenses)
Register at our site: Click here!
Range expenses will be incurred at the range to handle gun rental, range time, ammunition costs, and a fee for a target. The estimated fee is $35.
Our class starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp!
More info on Detroit Michigan CCW Class is available at our web site.
[Video] Michigan CCW Classes: Cease Fire Command
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
[Video] Detroit CCW Classes: S.T.S.T.T. - Shoot To Stop The Threat From A Predator
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
[Video] Michigan CCW Class: Don't Ever Climb Into A Criminal's Trunk
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Name That Firearm Safety Violation: Don Adams
If you can't see the image, visit our Detroit Michigan CCW Class blog site.
Sunday, March 27, 2011 Michigan CCW Class Recap
Safety Is Most Important In A Firearms Training Class
To begin, safety is always of paramount importance when I teach a Firearms Safety Class. Safety rules were not only stressed to the students in the class but the rules were also demonstrated by myself and my attending Firearms Instructors. To that end, there were no injuries and there were no safety violations. As I like to joke, "We left the gun range with the same number of holes that we walked in with."
As my students learned Sunday, the fundamental firearm safety rules they must know and obey, as safe handgun users, are listed below as the following:
Rule 0: Always Treat Firearms As Loaded
Rule 1: Always Point Firearms In Safe Direction
Rule 2: Always Keep Finger Off Trigger Until Ready To Fire
Rule 3: Always Keep Firearms Unloaded Until Ready For Use
Rule 4: Always Be Sure of Target & What Is Beyond It
Misplaced Support Hand Thumb Dilemma: Tell Or Don't Tell
When showing first-time handlers of firearms how to receive, hold, and aim a handgun, I can usually count on a specific "teach-able moment" to present itself. Generally, at least one student will place his/her support hand thumb behind the slide despite not being told to do so.
Of course, a gun handler with a misplaced thumb runs the risk of the recoil slide "biting" that thumb while firing. I tell folks that if it ever happens to them, it's a mistake they'll never repeat. A "bit" thumb will be felt but it's not fatal. Even still, I wouldn't want this incident to happen on my watch.
During Sunday's class no one misplaced their support hand thumb while conducting our hands-on practical exercises. So, I now have a dilemma: Do I warn them to not do something that they didn't do? After all, if I warn them about it now, they might start thinking about it and do it later now that they have seen it done.
I always tell my students not to misplace that thumb, after I observe someone doing it, so I continued with the practice of informing students not to do something that they didn't do. As luck would have it, a student later misplaced his thumb. The real issue is would he have done that if I didn't tell him not to do it? I'll never know.
Fear Is Another Foe To Conquer
Presumably, most people who enroll in a CPL Class are looking for a specific solution to an ever-growing menace: armed criminals. From my experiences as a Firearms Instructor, it appears that some folks take this class when their fear of being victimized finally overtakes their fear of firearms.
People fear firearms for a number of reasons. All of those justifications are usually false, as most of them are based on untruths, outright lies, and negative experiences. For example, I have had a number people tell me that the reason they had previously feared firearms was because either a criminal or a police officer pointed a firearm at them.
A firearm is just a "thing." All by itself, it is uncapable of doing anything - good or bad. A person should be more concerned with the maturity, education, and character of the person wielding the firearm. As I have heard, "A firearm in the hands of a bad man is a bad thing. However, a firearm in the hands of a good man is no threat to anyone but a bad man."
In last Sunday's class, I had a woman who was about to not partake in the shooting exercise and, as a consequence, not fully complete the class. She had done a fine job of masking her fears during the classroom portion of the training session. However, when she arrived into the shooting stall, the idea of shooting finally became "real" to her.
In any case, we were able to console and comfort her. We successfully convinced her to trust us despite her fears. She shot her target and did well, especially when you consider her initial state of mind. This lady overcame a fear - firearms - to get to where she wanted to be: A safe user of a firearm for personal protection. She succeeded. I am so proud of her bravery. A favorite quote of mine states, "Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgement that something is more important than fear."
For the sake of balance, women aren't the only gender for which fears must be overcome. I've had several men, who enrolled in my class, that were afraid. In fact, two classes ago I had a brand new firearms user who stood over 6 feet in height and had to weigh about three hundred pounds; he was a big dude.
Guys have egos. They are taught by society to mask their fears. Many men feel that it is not masculine to ever admit that they are afraid of something. Four weeks ago, I watched this big guy - referenced above - hold an unloaded pistol in his hand, which was shaking so violently that folks in the back row could hear the gun rattle like an infant's toy.
When I asked him to relax, to breathe, and to stop being afraid he proudly and loudly voiced to me that he wasn't afraid. However, the rest of the class chose to believe what they saw - his hands quivering. Men have fears, just as women do. Men are socialized not to admit to them. In this case, getting trained how to safely use a handgun is a very brave thing to do.
Two Sources For Info Is A Good Thing - Even Legal Advice
A month back my lawyer friend - who has taught the legal section for my class every other weekend for the last four+ years - informed me that he was going to Chicago for this past weekend. Thus, I had a choice to make: cancel the class, readjust my class schedule, or find another attorney.
Fortunately for me, I have met a number of criminal defense attorneys over the last few years who are well versed in criminal defense, firearms law, and lethal force. A few, including the attorney who subbed for this past class, I have met for lunch and talked about guns, gun rights, firearms law, and etc.
So, I knew that I had a legal replacement who was qualified and would not hurt my company's reputation and brand. What I didn't know at the time was how well he would be as a presenter. Talking is one thing - Informing and teaching lay people from the stage is different.
My "fill-in" did a bang-up job (pun intended). He was awesome. In fact, he was so good that my two other adjunct Firearms Instructors were engaged in a side discussion all day comparing the styles, abilities, and expertise of both lawyers. Imagine that - three Firearms Instructors evaluating legal talent of two attorneys. Too funny.
Not going to say who, in my opinion, is better. It is an apples-and-oranges comparison. Both are qualified and know the law intimately. So, the requirements for teaching in my class had been more than adequately met by both lawyers. However, both attorneys have unique styles and very different personalities. The gun guys had an interesting debate about the lawyers; we had fun on the sidebar.
When A Couple Shoots Together At The Range, Bet on The Female
In Sunday's class I noticed yet another occurrence of the woman shooting better than her boyfriend. It's not a rare event. In fact, it happens a lot. I have my own pet theory about why it happens.
I believe that many women don't have a handicap that some men have: a huge ego about firearms. Give me a woman, who has never fired a handgun and is not afraid of them, and I can transform her into an accurate shooter right before your very eyes. All false modesty aside, I am an excellent instructor. I'll tell her what to do and she does it without questioning my authority or experience.
A woman will listen to me. In contrast, a man wants to fight with me. Men who have either law enforcement or a military background are the worse. I can't reach them and coach them in the shooting booth because they already know everything despite the misses on their targets.
The woman who out-shot her boyfriend in this past weekend's class, was already a good shooter. Somebody taught her right and she listened. Her boyfriend wasn't an awful shooter; he just wasn't as good as she was.
Always bet on the woman.
Bottom Line:
Last Sunday's class was awesome. There were no accidents and everyone was safe. Because of my actions on that day, there will soon be more armed law-abiding citizens on the streets of metro-Detroit. I am well pleased.
Name That Firearm Safety Violation: Andy & Barney
If you can't see the image, visit our Detroit Michigan CCW Class blog site.
Detroit Michigan CCW Class Instructor To Honor Local Heroine
Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit offered to waive the tuition cost of its CCW Class for Ms. Lydia Officer, who had apprehended a reported car thief on January 15th. Officer reportedly made several calls to 9-1-1 for assistance that went unanswered before she made the decision to walk the suspect to a local police precinct. Officer has accepted the class offer.
Rick Ector, owner of Rick's Firearm Academy, was at the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners Meeting in which Officer complained about not only a lack of a proper response by local law enforcement but also about a Detroit police officer who reportedly failed to intervene and assist.
Ector explains why he made the free tuition offer to Officer as the following, "I was thoroughly impressed with the bravery exhibited by Ms. Officer on that day and felt moved to honor her. For me, it was a no-brainer to make my free CCW Class offer to her. I am honored that she accepted it.
Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Classes training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit. Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, UPI, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR and the UrbanShooterPodcast.
For more info about self-defense training and Detroit Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:
Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Web: http://www.detroitccw.com
Email: info@detroitccw.com
Phone: 313.733.7404
Monday, March 28, 2011
[Video] Can You Tell Me How To Get To Sesame Street?
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
Next Detroit Michigan CCW CPL Class: Saturday, April 16, 2011
Southfield Hampton Inn
27500 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, Michigan 48034
Option I
Pay Tuition 7 Days in Advance ($150) and Save $25!
(Total Cost: $150 + Range Expenses)
Option II
Pay Tuition ($175) within 7 days before class.
(Total Cost: $175 + Range Expenses)
Register at our site: Click here!
Range expenses will be incurred at the range to handle gun rental, range time, ammunition costs, and a fee for a target. The estimated fee is $35.
Our class starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp!
More info on Detroit Michigan CCW Class is available at our web site.
[Video] Detroit Michigan CCW Classes - Student Testimonial #194
If you can't see the video in this post, view it on our Youtube Channel.
[Video] Detroit Michigan CCW Classes - Student Testimonial #193
If you can't see the video in this post, view it on our Youtube Channel.
[Video] Detroit Michigan CCW Classes - Student Testimonial #192
If you can't see the video in this post, view it on our Youtube Channel.
[Video] Detroit Michigan CCW Classes - Student Testimonial #191
If you can't see the video in this post, view it on our Youtube Channel.
[Video] Detroit Michigan CCW Classes - Student Testimonial #190
If you can't see the video in this post, view it on our Youtube Channel.
[Video] Detroit Michigan CCW Classes - Student Testimonial #189
If you can't see the video in this post, view it on our Youtube Channel.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
[Video] CCW Class In Michigan - Can A Bad Guy Catch You Slipping?
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
[Video] CCW Class In Michigan - Aware State Of Awareness
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
[Video] CCW Class In Detroit Michigan - Alert State of Awareness
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
Next Detroit Michigan CCW CPL Class: Sunday, March 27, 2011
Southfield Hampton Inn
27500 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, Michigan 48034
Option I
Pay Tuition 7 Days in Advance ($150) and Save $25!
(Total Cost: $150 + Range Expenses)
Option II
Pay Tuition ($175) within 7 days before class.
(Total Cost: $175 + Range Expenses)
Register at our site: Click here!
Range expenses will be incurred at the range to handle gun rental, range time, ammunition costs, and a fee for a target. The estimated fee is $35.
Our class starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp!
More info on Detroit Michigan CCW Class is available at our web site.
Name That Firearm Safety Violation: Grace Jones
If you can't see the image, visit our Detroit Michigan CCW Class blog site.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Name That Firearm Safety Violation: Clint Eastwood
If you can't see the image, visit our Detroit Michigan CCW Class blog site.
Name That Firearm Safety Violation: Charles Bronson
If you can't see the image, visit our Detroit Michigan CCW Class blog site.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Detroit Michigan CCW Classes Instructor Launches FREE Smart-Phone App
A new Smart-Phone mobile application has been launched to support the "Legally Armed In Detroit (LAID) blog. The app is free to download and is compatible for use with the following cell phones: Android, iPhone, Symbian and Blackberry.
Users of this app will be able to easily stay abreast of changes in the blog's content from their mobile computing devices. According to Rick Ector, owner of the LAID site, information providers and business owners would be wise to make their web site content more accessible for its mobile users.
Ector stated, "Rather than fight and oppose the mobile revolution, we have decided to embrace it. We noticed via our web site stats that an increasing number of LAID visitors were viewing our information from mobile devices. Accordingly, we discovered the need to format our data for the mobile platform or run the serious risk of alienating our visitors."
According to many published sources, the US and Canadian share of the 4.6 billion global mobile market is 40 percent. Ector added that information providers who fail to market on this platform will be extinct soon. "Not being an active player in the mobile market within the coming years is the technological equivalent of being in business today without email and a web site. No one can possibly take you serious if you aren't where the users are looking for you."
The LAID web site, established in 2008, provides FREE personal protection tips, tactics, and tutorials for Michigan residents who are interested in exercising more personal responsibility for their safety. Topics addressed and covered on the blog include Personal Protection Articles, Info on Michigan's CPL Permit, and MI CCW Class Date Announcements.
Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Classes training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit. Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, UPI, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR and the UrbanShooterPodcast.
For more info about the FREE LAID mobile app and Detroit Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:
Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Web: http://www.detroitccw.com.
Email: info@detroitccw.com
Phone: 313.733.7404
Download The L.A.I.D. FREE Personal Protection Smart-Phone App
Smart-Phone users who download and run our FREE app will have up-to-date access to our blog's content in real time. Among the many features that users of our app will literally have at their fingertips include, but is not limited to, the following:
Personal Protection Articles
Info on Michigan's CPL Permit
MI CCW Class Date Announcements
Info on FREE Shooting Lessons
L.A.I.D. Invite-Only Events
Special Contests & Promos
Our app has been tested to work with the following Smart-Phones: Android, iPhone, Symbian and Blackberry.
Our app can be downloaded here: http://mippin.com/app/330294
Next Detroit Michigan CCW CPL Class: Sunday, March 27, 2011
Southfield Hampton Inn
27500 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, Michigan 48034
Option I
Pay Tuition 7 Days in Advance ($150) and Save $25!
(Total Cost: $150 + Range Expenses)
Option II
Pay Tuition ($175) within 7 days before class.
(Total Cost: $175 + Range Expenses)
Register at our site: Click here!
Range expenses will be incurred at the range to handle gun rental, range time, ammunition costs, and a fee for a target. The estimated fee is $35.
Our class starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp!
More info on Detroit Michigan CCW Class is available at our web site.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Detroit Michigan CCW Class: Three Hidden Costs Of Personal Protection
Such persons will enroll into a qualified Michigan Basic Pistol Safety Training Class ($150), pay the requisite CPL Application Fee ($105), purchase a suitable defensive handgun ($400 - $800), and acquire a litany of accessories (e.g. holster, practice and defensive ammunition, cleaning kit, and etc.) that can escalate the total "cost of entry" into this new lifestyle into a figure north of $1,000 with little effort.
There are a few costs, associated with personal protection and self-defense, that aren't discussed much. This post will discuss those potential costs as a cautionary exercise to drive home the central themes of responsible and lawful firearm ownership into the consciousness of prospective CPL-holders.
In Michigan, the usage of lethal force is authorized for self defense under a narrow band of circumstances. Thus, it is lawful in Michigan to stop threats from assailants as long as the victim is:
somewhere he has a legal right to be, is not breaking the law, AND has BOTH a reasonable AND honest belief that he or some other third person is facing an IMMINENT threat of severe bodily harm, sexual assault, or death.
All instances of utilized lethal force will be investigated by local law enforcement. As such, there may be a circumstance under which a person, who has used lethal force, may be charged with a crime. This outcome occurs because either the County Prosecutor, the local police department, or both feel that the "victim" overstepped legal boundaries while defending himself.
One potential cost of self-defense would be those necessary expenditures to defend oneself against criminal charges. In the aftermath of a self-defense shooting, the "victim" may need money to post a bond, if available, to be released from custody.
Furthermore, a criminally charged victim will also need money to hire an experienced lawyer to prepare a defense against levied charges. Costs could escalate even further if expert testimony is required: ballistics expert, blood splatter analysis, and etc.
A criminal defense case can be costly. In most cases, a criminal defense case could cost as much $20,000. In the recent past, it was a common practice for homeowners to refinance their mortgages to raise the necessary monetary funds to prepare a defense.
Today, that option (i.e. refinancing real estate) for many people is not available, as home property values have plummeted and have left little home equity to withdraw from their residences. As a consequence of today's economic reality, a victim may need to sign over a deed to a home, to sign over a vehicle title, or to cash in other property such as stocks or bonds.
Also, a survivor of a violent encounter may require counseling, which may not be available from his health care plan. Toss in the very real need of possibly needing to take time off work, a financial hardship could easily become a reality. More money could be potentially leaving the household budget while less income is being received.
Additionally, there may be a psychological cost. Many people do not relish the necessity of defending one's life, even if the assailant presented a clear and imminent danger to their safety. A firearm is a defensive tool of last resort. If a law-abiding citizen uses lethal force to defend his life, there may be some emotional difficulties and realities that may cause additional hardship.
If the investigation into the shooting results in a criminal case, the victim's life can be put on hold for an indefinite period of time. With his future in limbo, the sheer uncertainty could exact a heavy psychological toll. Further, the victim will literally "play over" in his mind the recalled circumstances of the shooting and wonder whether twelve jurors will rule that his actions - shooting the assailant - were justified.
Finally, the third potential expense of self-defense is the actual physical cost of being imprisoned. If a defensive user of a firearm oversteps legal boundaries, he could face as much as 20 years, if not more, behind bars.
In a case I have blogged about often, a 34 year-old Detroit CPL-holder was recently found guilty of both Manslaughter and Felony Firearm charges. Due to the actual circumstances of the case, he was only sentenced to three years of probation on the Manslaughter charge but was sentenced to a mandatory two year prison term on the latter charge.
Carrying a concealed firearm for personal protection, in my humble opinion, has become a necessity in the metro-Detroit area. Crime is out-of-control, local police department budgets are being slashed to the bone, and the state is closing prisons and releasing violent criminals early. The choice is clear: make plans for your safety or face the real risk being a victim.
For those persons who choose to apply for and receive the privilege of carrying a concealed handgun for personal protection, they also have implicitly agreed to stay within the boundaries of law. Failing to do so can incur the very real possibility of going to prison.
Thus, it is imperative for those folks to enroll into a bona fide and legitimate class in which they are going to be taught the law and how to protect their rights in the aftermath of a shooting. In many cases, being charged with a crime and being forced to justify the legality of one's actions in a trial can be avoided if a person not only knows his rights but exercises them.
Please do not be fooled into thinking that there are any guarantees in fully justified shooting. If an armed law-abiding citizen is attacked, he'll still have to deal with the psychological trauma of shooting a bad guy and the whims of the local County Prosecutor.
However, in spite of all the potential costs of self-defense, a victim can prevail on all fronts. Doing so is going to require not only being armed with a suitable defensive handgun but also possessing full knowledge of the law and protecting your rights.
If you're going to carry a handgun, get the training you need from a professional and credible Personal Protection Trainer. It will make a very real difference in your future.
Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Classes training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit. Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, UPI, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR and the UrbanShooterPodcast.
For more info about Personal Protection and Detroit Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:
Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Web: http://www.detroitccw.com.
Email: info@detroitccw.com
Phone: 313.733.7404
Name That Firearm Safety Violation: Lawrence, Union, & Smith
If you can't see the image, visit our Detroit Michigan CCW Class blog site.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Detroit Michigan CCW CPL Class - Marksmanship: Applicability and Constituent Elements
How Is Marksmanship Different From Defensive Accuracy?
Although it (i.e. Marksmanship) is usually taught in Personal Protection and Concealed Pistol License (CPL/CCW) Classes - such as those that I offer in Detroit Michigan - it's applicability for persons who are not in law enforcement is typically geared towards hunting, recreational shooting, and the shooting sports.
In contrast, Defensive Accuracy - which is also taught in the aforementioned CPL/CCW Classes - is the preferred style of shooting for victims to use to ward off attacks from predators. In this style of shooting, defenders visualize an 8.5"x11" center-of-mass zone - between the navel and lower chest - and balance accuracy and speed to place shots there until the threat has been neutralized.
The Five Constituent Elements of Markmanship
Marksmanship has five constituent elements that must be simultaneously controlled and executed: Aiming, Breath Control, Hold Control, Trigger Control, and Follow-Through. Each element could be thoroughly explored in a separate post. However, this blog posting will provide a brief overview of each and leave the exercise of further research to the reader for further exploration.
Marksmanship Element 1: Aiming
Aiming is the most important element of marksmanship. The handgun's aligned sights must be both level and centered to generate a good sight picture. A sight picture is nothing more than the super-imposing of an intended target just atop the handgun's aligned front sight.
The handgun's Operator's Guide should be consulted to determine exactly where to aim the shot. Most handguns employ a "6:00" sighting system, whereby the bottom of the intended target, like on a clock, is used as an aiming guide.
Marksmanship Element 2: Breath Control
Breath Control is also an important element of marksmanship. Without proper breathing techniques, a held handgun would oscillate vertically - up and down - along with the shooter's breathing pattern. It should come as no surprise that a handgun should be held as still as possible while shooting.
As such, a shooter should take a deep breath, exhale half of the air, and take the shot while holding his breath. If the shooter's hand starts to tremble, due to a lack of oxygen in his lungs, he should stop holding his breath and start over with a new inhaled supply of air.
Marksmanship Element 3: Hold Control
Further, Hold Control is also an important element of marksmanship. As such, the handgun should fit the shooter's hand like a glove. The handgun should mate up with the shooting hand such that no part of the hand can't make contact with the frame and remain on the handgun during the full firing sequence.
Moreover, a handgun is designed to be operated with one hand. As such, all controls should be comfortably reachable by the shooting hand: trigger, safety, slide release, de-cockers, and magazine release button. A good handgun/hand fit will ensure maximum controllability and aid in accuracy while shooting.
Marksmanship Element 4: Trigger Control
Trigger Control is also an important element of marksmanship. There are two important considerations that must be discussed on the subject of Trigger Control: Trigger Finger Placement and Trigger Pull.
Trigger Finger Placement refers to the exact part of the trigger finger that should make contact with the trigger when the handgun is discharged. Specifically, the exact middle fleshy part of the trigger finger - centered between the tip and the crease that adjoins the next finger segment - is from where the trigger should be pulled.
Pulling the trigger with another part of the trigger finger can induce a torqued pulling motion that can cause the shot to be pulled off its intended course, as designated by the generated sight picture. One common beginner's mistake is to pull the trigger from the crease between the trigger finger's first two segments.
Trigger Pull refers to the exact manner in which the trigger is moved. The trigger finger should pull back the trigger in one complete and smooth "squeezing" motion all the back until the firearm is discharged. Many beginning students either "jerk" unevenly on the trigger or don't pull the trigger all the way in one smooth pull.
Trigger Pull is so important to marksmanship that many Firearms Instructors advocate that their students conduct dry-fire practice with their respective pistols in their spare time. Dry-fire practice is the act of practicing a smooth trigger pull on an unloaded handgun in a ballistically safe area where pistols and ammunition are not normally stored.
Marksmanship Element 5: Follow-Through
Follow-Through is the final element of marksmanship. This element concerns itself with the shooter "following through on his shot" to improve his accuracy. Everyone knows that when a firearm discharges there will some recoil. In other words, the handgun will move as a consequence of it being fired.
The act of following through on a shot is nothing more than the shooter quickly and smoothly bringing the gun's sights back "on target" to its original position before the trigger was pulled.
Conceptually, the act of following through on a shot will improve the shooter's accuracy by getting the fired bullet back on its original path before it clears the barrel. Of course, since handguns have short barrels, especially as compared to long guns, the effect is not maximized as the travelling bullet's path doesn't have much time to be corrected before it exits the muzzle. Thus, longer barreled handguns are more accurate than shorter barreled handguns.
Bottom Line:
Marksmanship is a skill that is demonstrated by a shooter's ability to accurately hit the desired section of an intended target. Real world applications for marksmanship skills, outside of law enforcement and the military, includes activities such as recreational shooting, shooting sports activities, and hunting. Marksmanship has five constituent elements that need to simultaneously addressed: Aiming, Breath Control, Hold Control, Trigger Control, and Follow-Through.
Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Classes training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit. Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, UPI, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR and the UrbanShooterPodcast.
For more info about Marksmanship and Detroit Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:
Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Web: http://www.detroitccw.com.
Email: info@detroitccw.com
Phone: 313.733.7404
Monday, March 14, 2011
Next Detroit Michigan CCW CPL Class: Sunday, March 27, 2011
Southfield Hampton Inn
27500 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, Michigan 48034
Option I
Pay Tuition 7 Days in Advance ($150) and Save $25!
(Total Cost: $150 + Range Expenses)
Option II
Pay Tuition ($175) within 7 days before class.
(Total Cost: $175 + Range Expenses)
Register at our site: Click here!
Range expenses will be incurred at the range to handle gun rental, range time, ammunition costs, and a fee for a target. The estimated fee is $35.
Our class starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp!
More info on Detroit Michigan CCW Class is available at our web site.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Detroit Michigan CCW CPL Class - Defensive Accuracy: Application & Justification
What Is Defensive Accuracy?
Defensive Accuracy refers to a style of shooting that a defensive handgun carrier should undertake at the range to practice a response to a physical threat from an assailant.
When under attack from a "legally justified" imminent threat, a victim should draw his firearm and aim its front sight at the target's center-of-mass and pull the trigger until he is no longer being attacked. The purpose of victim's handgun shooting is to make the attacker stop.
A target's center-of-mass is the exposed center of the target that is typically defended against at approximately room-length distances, usually within 20 feet. Historically, statistics reveal that most defensive shootings happen within this distance.
Accordingly, the center-of-mass of a fully exposed assailant would be an 8.5"x11" "sheet of paper" sized target zone between the navel and the lower chest zone. A victim armed with a defensive handgun - 9mm or greater in caliber size - should equally balance speed and accuracy while delivering shots to this zone.
The Justification For Center-of-Mass Shot Placement
While it is true that there is a large number of critical organs in this zone, which when struck with gunfire will quickly lead to an assailant's body shutting down due to a rapid loss of blood, the intent of shooting there is not to kill.
The intent of a defensive shooting is to stop a threat to a victim's safety. In Michigan, a defensive shooting is only justified when a victim is in imminent jeopardy of severe bodily harm, sexual assault, or death. When the threat has been stopped, the defensive shooting of the attacker must also cease.
There are two valid justifications for center-of-mass shots: a quick conclusion of the encounter and the safety of innocent bystanders. A self-defense shooting that is resolved quickly implies that fewer shots will be fired. If the victim can minimize the number of times he is either fired upon or actually shot, he increases his chances of surviving the attack. A quick response to an assailant's center-of-mass can end an attack quickly.
Moreover, the other reason for shooting assailants in the center-of-mass is to minimize the odds that the victim will miss the assailant and accidentally strike an innocent bystander to this encounter. The center-of-mass zone presents the greatest opportunity for a victim to make contact with his assailant and not injure an innocent person.
There are consequences for victims who miss shooting their assailants. In Michigan, shooters can be held criminally and civilly liable for their bullets at the very moment they exit the muzzle of their firearms. If a fired bullet strikes a person who did not pose an imminent threat to the victim, the shooter faces a great chance of going to prison and being sued.
The Risks Of Not Aiming For Center-of-Mass
Some students in my Detroit Michigan CCW CPL Class have expressed to me a desire to merely shoot an assailant in a part of his anatomy that is believed to be non-life threatening. For example, one lady recently expressed to me a desire to shoot a bad guy in the leg, if she was ever attacked. She figured that this tactic would both stop the threat and not kill the attacker.
There are a couple of problems with this approach to a defensive shooting. For starters, the victim may not possess the requisite ability to shoot a moving leg of an assailant while "under the stress" of an attack. If the shot misses, the fired bullet could come to rest in a "bad" place, as discussed earlier. A "miss" could lead to jail time and a civil lawsuit.
Furthermore, during the time that the victim is attempting "trick shots," the attacking assailant may be attempting common sense center-of-mass shots of his own to the victim. The victim could very well be placing himself in greater danger by unnecessarily prolonging the encounter.
Secondly, there is a major artery in the leg: the femoral. If a bullet hits this artery, an assailant could "bleed out" and expire in a very short period of time. So, even though the victim wouldn't face criminal liability for killing an attacking assailant, he could still "fail" at not killing his attacker.
Thus, all defensive carriers should be acutely aware of the fact that shooting a bad guy could kill them. If he is incapable of accepting this reality of using a pistol for self-defense, maybe he should reconsider legally carrying a handgun.
Some people are not capable of harming another person, even if that person was trying to rape or murder them. If you are such a person, it is best that you accept this fact and make other arrangements for your personal protection.
Bottom Line:
Defensive handgun carriers should visit the shooting range at regular intervals to practice firing their pistols to maintain their accuracy. While there, they should spend part of their shooting time practicing defensive accuracy.
Defensive accuracy is the placement of center-of-mass shots to an assailant's exposed body in an 8.5"x11" window between the navel and chest zone. Shots placed here, while under attack, will facilitate quickly shutting down the attacker's body, ending the attack quickly, and maximize the odds of a victim surviving the encounter.
Defenders who opt not to shoot assailants within this zone risk elongating the encounter, risk accidentally shooting innocent bystanders, and increase the odds that they will not survive the attack.
Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Classes training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit. Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, UPI, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR and the UrbanShooterPodcast.
For more info about Defensive Accuracy and Detroit Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:
Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Web: http://www.detroitccw.com.
Email: info@detroitccw.com
Phone: 313.733.7404
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Name That Firearm Safety Violation: Bruce Willis
If you can't see the image, visit our Detroit Michigan CCW Class blog site.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Name That Firearm Safety Violation: Jason Wahler
If you can't see the image, visit our Detroit Michigan CCW Class blog site.
[Video] Detroit Michigan CCW CPL Class - Posturing As A Violent Encounter Response
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
[Video] Detroit Michigan CCW CPL Class - Alert Mode of Mental Awareness
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Name That Firearm Safety Violation: Angelina Jolie
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Next Detroit Michigan CCW CPL Class: Saturday, March 12, 2011
Southfield Hampton Inn
27500 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, Michigan 48034
Option I
Pay Tuition 7 Days in Advance ($150) and Save $25!
(Total Cost: $150 + Range Expenses)
Option II
Pay Tuition ($175) within 7 days before class.
(Total Cost: $175 + Range Expenses)
Register at our site: Click here!
Range expenses will be incurred at the range to handle gun rental, range time, ammunition costs, and a fee for a target. The estimated fee is $35.
Our class starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp!
More info on Detroit Michigan CCW Class is available at our web site.
[Video] Eyes May Be Windows To The Soul But Hands Kill
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
[Video] What Exactly Does it Mean To Be Actively Aware Of Their Surroundings?
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
[Video] Personal Protection Awareness Levels: Unaware, Aware, Alert, & Alarm
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
[Video] Carrying A Handgun For Protection Forces You To Answer Tough Questions
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
Name That Firearm Safety Violation: Madea
If you can't see the image, visit our Detroit Michigan CCW Class blog site.
Next Detroit Michigan CCW CPL Class: Saturday, March 12, 2011
Southfield Hampton Inn
27500 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, Michigan 48034
Option I
Pay Tuition 7 Days in Advance ($150) and Save $25!
(Total Cost: $150 + Range Expenses)
Option II
Pay Tuition ($175) within 7 days before class.
(Total Cost: $175 + Range Expenses)
Register at our site: Click here!
Range expenses will be incurred at the range to handle gun rental, range time, ammunition costs, and a fee for a target. The estimated fee is $35.
Our class starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp!
More info on Detroit Michigan CCW Class is available at our web site.
[Video] Your Community Should Not Become Less Safe Because You Are Armed
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
[Video] When Is A Handgun In Use & When Should It Be Loaded?
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
[Video] Michigan CCW Classes: Gun Range Commands
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
[Video] Michigan CCW Classes: Center-Of-Mass Explained
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
[Video] Detroit Michigan CCW Class - What Is Marksmanship?
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
[Video] Detroit Michigan CCW Class - Hold Control As Marksmanship Element
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
[Video] Detroit Michigan CCW Class - Hold Control As Marksmanship Element
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
Next Detroit Michigan CCW CPL Class: Saturday, March 12, 2011
Southfield Hampton Inn
27500 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, Michigan 48034
Option I
Pay Tuition 7 Days in Advance ($150) and Save $25!
(Total Cost: $150 + Range Expenses)
Option II
Pay Tuition ($175) within 7 days before class.
(Total Cost: $175 + Range Expenses)
Register at our site: Click here!
Range expenses will be incurred at the range to handle gun rental, range time, ammunition costs, and a fee for a target. The estimated fee is $35.
Our class starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp!
More info on Detroit Michigan CCW Class is available at our web site.
[Video] Detroit Michigan CCW Class - Sight Alignment Adjustments
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
[Video] Detroit CCW Class - Trigger Placement and Trigger Pull
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
Monday, March 7, 2011
Name That Firearm Safety Violation: Eminem
If you can't see the image, visit our Detroit Michigan CCW Class blog site.
[Video] How To Generate A Sight Picture
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com
Name That Firearm Safety Violation: 50 Cent #2
If you can't see the image, visit our Detroit Michigan CCW Class blog site.
[Video] Detroit Michigan CCW Class: Support and NPOA
If you don't see an embedded video above, visit our Channel on Youtube.
More info available on Detroit Michigan CCW Classes at http://detroitccw.com