
Saturday, April 2, 2011

L.A.I.D. Detroit Open Carry Dinner Date - Thursday, April 21rst, 2011

On Thursday, April 21rst, 2011, "Legally Armed In Detroit" (LAID) will be having its first ever Open Carry Dinner in downtown Detroit, Michigan at the Elias Brothers Restaurant on East Jefferson Avenue.

The venue will be:

Elias Brothers Big Boy Restaurant
7033 E Jefferson Ave,
Detroit, MI 48207


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Event starts at 6:00pm.

LAID is a gun rights advocacy organization that promotes lawful firearms ownership which includes the practice of "open carrying" of a firearm on your person. In Michigan, it is completely legal for a person 18 years of age to display a registered pistol (in his name) in a completely visible holster without a special permit, as long as he does not venture into a state enumerated pistol-free zone.

One interesting feature of Michigan law is that persons with a Concealed Pistol License (CCW/CPL) can legally open carry in a pistol-free zone, as long the owner doesn't mind. The establishment where we are dining doesn't have a liquor license, so it is a non-issue for attendees who did not have a CPL. Furthermore, we have express permission from the owner to dine there while visibly armed.

See you there!

We're going to a safe and great time.

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