Lethal Force and Self-Defense Legal Seminar: Laws Every Gun Owner Must Know
Legally Armed In Detroit and the Law Office of Terry Johnson have announced the date of this year's lethal force and self defense seminar. The four hour seminar will be held on Saturday, Feb. 21rst, 2015 at 9am.
- Persons with firearms in the home to be used for home defense.
- Persons with CPLs who carry handguns for self-defense.
- Persons in law enforcement who wish to deepen their knowledge of gun law.
- Persons desiring to know more about the law before buying a firearm.
- Persons who report stories in the media and seek to be more accurate.
- Person who Open Carry Without A CPL
Course Topics
This seminar will cover the laws that every gun owner must know. In-depth coverage of Lethal Force Use, Defensive Firearm Use, CPL Law, Open Carry, and Preparing your legal strategy in the aftermath of a shooting incident.
In contrast, the legal info in a conforming and legit CPL Class is only an hour long. If you toss in the fact that some of the providers of this info are either unqualified to present it or, as in the case of law enforcement officers, you will receive either bad info or info that does not inform you of your rights.
For example, how many law enforcement instructors will tell you to not make a statement to them until you have talked to a lawyer? Very few. How many times have you heard a police officer say that can't open carry if you have a CPL? If the only legal knowledge you have about lethal force came from your CPL Class, there is a great chance that there is much you need to know before you are ever forced to defend yourself.
After the seminar, you will understand the pertinent legal issues behind the biggest lethal force and self defense cases from the local headlines in the media:
- Elijah Woody Open Carry Case
- The Detroit Santa Claus Shooting
- The MO Mike Brown Case
- The NY Eric Gardner Case
- The Dearborn Heights Tim Wafer/Renisha McBride Case
- The Detroit Adaisha Miller Fish-Fry Shooting
- The Detroit Jason Weekly/Ayanna Jones Case
- The Florida George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin Case
No one looks forward to using lethal force in a self-defense event. However, your safety, security, and freedom would be best served by knowing the law before you are forced to defend yourself, your family, and your home.
Many folks quoted in the media often provide bad and erroneous info. This bad info could lead to criminal charges, a conviction, incarceration, and a civil judgement against you.
The best defense you can mount is not being charged in the first place for ensuring your safety and the safety of your family. A serious criminal case could easily cost thousands of dollars, loss of time from work, and unbearable stress associated with the lack of certainty about your future. This seminar can save you time, money, and your future.
"I attended the 2014 Lethal Force Seminar presented by Rick's Firearm Academy.Initially I had thought attending the seminar would just be a "rubber-stamp" documenting my knowledge of Michigan and Federal Firearms law as I had attended numerous NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home Courses at my local gun club with the legal portion of the classes presented by our county Head Prosecutor. I humbly ate my portion of crow as I filled numerous notebook pages of notes regarding nuances of the "Stand Your Ground" and "Castle Doctrine" laws not covered by my previous courses. While not required by law, responsible CPL holders should educate themselves about the laws pertaining to the lawful carry of firearms and the use of deadly force. The use of deadly force does not end with the discharge of a firearm. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. I would highly recommend anyone choosing to obtain a CPL and carrying a handgun to attend this seminar." ~ Ron Howard
"I enjoyed last years, it was very informative, I'm going to check my calendar for this years as well." ~ Jeff Barello
"Already have a CPL? Not sure if you want to get a CPL? Want to learn in more detail about laws on lethal force and self defense in Michigan? I took this class and it is VERY informative. Worth it to know in advance of needing to know the law!" ~ Denise Abraham Flinders
"Rick's Lethal Force seminar is a great second class to take after getting your CPL. The class really offers an in-depth look at what happens and what you should and should not do after you are required to use lethal force. This is a must have class for anyone who carries a firearm daily, and takes their person protection very seriously. Personal protection isn't just during the life threatening situation, but it's knowing what to do after the fact. This class will teach you what you need to know and give you more peace of mind." ~ John Roehrig
"Excellent program. Very plain to understand and informative. I'm considering taking it again this year if I can find the some spare money. I'm sure Mr Ector will have an even better program put together this year." ~ Gary Pawlowski
"Rick Ector and Terry Johnson deliver expert information using current news events, related to home & personal defense. They presented the topics in a way that everyone in the class could relate to. It is time & money well spent, that may just one day save your life, and keep you out of prison. I will attend again this year." ~ Boomer Qureshi
"I attended this seminar last year, and found it to be incredibly informative, very well presented and even entertaining. Rick and Terry made everything easy to understand and presented it in an enjoyable format. I heartily recommend it for anyone who has a CPL or is thinking of getting a CPL. Also good information for anyone who keeps a gun 'around the house.'" ~ Dennis Oakes
"I attended the Lethal Force and Self-Defense Legal seminar in 2014. Rick and Terry try to keep it fun and will offer plenty of information for you to digest. There will be plenty of time for questions and to go through scenarios. Even if you know some of the laws there will be information you probably do not know. I fully recommend this seminar. You will come out freshly reviewed and a bit more educated so you are not that person to drag them into the house. Please do not be that person." ~ Charles Vamos, Jr.
Mr. Terry Johnson is a criminal defense attorney who has a specialty in Firearms Law. He has been featured in the media as a subject matter expert in this area in the law.
Mr. Rick Ector is a Firearms Instructor who has been featured in the media as a subject matter expert in the areas of Firearm Safety, Responsible Firearms Ownership, and Personal Protection.
Financing Option: Use PayPal Credit!
About The Author

Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides
Michigan CCW Class training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit.
Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, UPI, NRAnews, Guns Digest, Tactical-Life, The Truth About Guns, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, The Detroit Examiner, WJLB, WGPR, and the UrbanShooterPodcast.
For more info about free shooting lessons for women and
Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:
Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Email: info@detroitccw.com
Phone: 313.733.7404
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