Detroit Gun Rights Group Led By Rick Ector Trains 400 Ladies on Firearm Safety
This Program Had Humble Beginings This event is now in its fifth year and has steadily grown in popularity with every iterative year of operation. Rick Ector, the operator of the LAID blog, started this event five years ago after watching a televised story on the local news in which a woman was brutally murdered which left her body lying in the street like discarded trash. Ector quickly published an event on his Facebook page asking women to meet him at a local gun range for a FREE shooting lesson. Only 50 women took him up on that offer five years ago. In contrast, this year's event boldly attempted to train 500 women.
Women Received Valuable Training Each woman who signed up and attended the event received a FREE shooting lesson. Accordingly, there were no fees for a range safety briefing, a one on one shooting lesson with a firearm instructor, handgun rental, ammunition costs, or range fees. It was 100 percent FREE. Ladies were given instruction on fundamental firearm safety, safe storage of guns not in use, and given marksmanship tips. The retail value of services given to each women easily topped the $75 threshold. Successfully pulling off this event is no easy feat. The Top Gun Shooting Range graciously donated 12 shooting lanes for this event. Believe it or not, not every gun range owner is anxious to participate in a community service event. I know because I talked to several of them. For some reason, having over 400 interested and prospective women gun owners inundating their gun range across the span of one day is not desirable to some gun range owners.
This Year's Program Had A Huge Challenge This year's implementation of this community service event was especially satisfying to me personally. Whereas it is true that the number of women trained increased to 400 this year from 300 last year but I had encountered a lot of difficulty in securing a gun range facility or a gun club to partner with me. The gun range I had used the four prior years had suddenly ceased operation without notice and became permanently closed. As a consequence, a lot of folks wasted a lot of my time. In retrospect, I question the motives of the gun clubs and gun ranges who wanted to discuss this project. They seemed more interested in my marketing methods that can create a crowd of hundreds of interested women wanting to learn more about shooting than wanting to partner with me. Others wanted to either drastically revamp the format or drastically reduce my role in this event even though I created it. In the end, the best outcome was achieved; I found a willing, enthusiastic, and supportive sponsor with the Top Gun Shooting Range. Top Gun should be commended for their generosity, entrepreneurialism, and community spirit.
Many Hands Make Easy Work In addition, this event required the services of over 30 Firearm Instructors who donated their time and expertise to train the ladies. Further, several supporters of LAID also donated their time, ammunition, bottled water, shooting supplies, and manpower to equip and man this effort. There is no way that I could have conducted this event without their help. There are too many of them to name but their efforts are not in any way diminished. Among the many sponsors was Firearms Legal Protection (FLP). As you will see in the video, they offer a low cost legal protection plan for firearm owners who are forced to defend themselves with lethal force. For as little as $10 per month, women (or men) will not need to worry about they are going to defend themselves legally in the aftermath of a shooting. A legal defense can possibly cost as much as $75,000 or more. More info on FLP and their membership plans are available at this URL: http://firearmslegal.com/detroitccw Please go out of your way to patronize our other sponsors who helped make this event a reality. Official sponsors for this event also included the following: Cole Armory - https://www.facebook.com/Cole.Armory/ Top Gun - https://www.facebook.com/Top-Gun-Shooting-Sports-Inc-111573208881937 Mobi Notary - https://www.facebook.com/mobinotary Community EMS - https://www.facebook.com/CommunityEMS Three Amigos Construction https://www.facebook.com/threeamigosconstruction Secret Weapons Boutique, Inc. https://www.facebook.com/SecretWeaponsBoutique/ Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit http://www.facebook.com/MichiganCCW How You Can Help
If you feel that this program is worthy, please make a donation. As little as $15 can purchase a box of 50 rounds of 9mm ammunition for a future event. This event requires a ton of ammo. Please make a donation at this following link: http://www.paypal.me/detroitccw/50 Share this video on all of your social media platforms. We could use the publicity and moral support. If you would like to start a program like this in your town, reach out to me at this URL: http://www.detroitccw.com
About The Author
Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, UPI, Fox news, New York Times, USA Today, Bearing Arms, NRAnews, Guns Digest, Tactical-Life, The Truth About Guns, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, The Detroit Examiner, WJLB, WGPR, and the UrbanShooterPodcast.
For more info about free shooting lessons for women and Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:
Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Web: http://www.detroitccw.com.
Email: detroitccw@gmail.com
Phone: 313.733.7404
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