
Saturday, May 11, 2019

Rick Ector Makes Another Push For Women To Sign Up For A FREE Shooting Lesson

Tonight is the eve of the opening of the sign-up list for our annual FREE firearm training event for women! The goal of this event is to give all participants a shooting experience at a gun range with a qualified trainer.
The success of this event will be due to the scores of volunteers and sponsors who support this project. Furthermore, another factor in the success of this event will be the number of women who are made aware of this event.
Thus, I ask that you all consider posting this event AGAIN in social media! The goal is to train 900 women with firearms FREE of charge. Help us to empower women! To reach this goal, awareness will be HUGE!
The registration links will be published and enabled at 8am tomorrow morning.
Please post this event again in all of your social media profiles: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, E-Lists, and word of mouth! It only takes a second! Post this notice far and wide!
Do it now! Publicize this link!

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