Crime Prevention: Unaware Citizen of the Day

During my travels, I encounter people who are unaware of their surroundings in public. Unaware citizens are prime targets for an attack by a predator. As a Firearms Instructor, I'll be the first to tell you that there is more to the field of personal protection than carrying a firearm.

In fact, I'll go record to say that "awareness" is paramount in your goal of staying safe. Predators like easy targets, so keep your head on a swivel. Take a look at the examples in this gallery to see if you exhibit unsafe awareness levels as shown. Be aware - Be safe.

Crime Prevention: Unaware Citizen of the Day #1 - Woman Sleeping in a Vehicle

Crime Prevention: Unaware Citizen of the Day #2 - Distracted Man at a Gas Station

Crime Prevention: Unaware Citizen of the Day #3 - Distracted Man on the Street

Crime Prevention: Unaware Citizen of the Day #4 - Man Inflation Tire at a Gas Station

Crime Prevention: Unaware Citizen of the Day #5 - Man Sitting at a Bus Stop

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